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You're invited: Take control of your open source supply chain with Tidelift catalogs

Amy Hays
by Amy Hays
on February 4, 2021

Updated on May 6, 2022

Don't miss the latest from Tidelift

Today—thanks to the breach impacting SolarWinds and its customers around the world—the phrase “software supply chain” is making unlikely front-page headlines. In 2021, software supply chain health went from somewhere in the middle of the list of IT priorities right to the top.

Meanwhile, open source continues to become a larger and larger part of application development, with our research showing that 92% of applications contain open source components and in some cases open source makes up 70% or more of the code.

So for organizations now seeing software supply chain health as a key imperative, tackling open source software supply chain health is more critical than ever.

This month we announced several exciting elements of the Tidelift Subscription that help organizations more efficiently manage the health of their open source supply chain. At the heart of this news are some important advancements around Tidelift catalogs, which provide a comprehensive way for application development teams to create, track, and manage collections of known-good, proactively maintained open source components with help from Tidelift and its partnered maintainers.

Join us Thursday, Feb. 18 at 2 pm ET, and our product team will demonstrate how you can use the Tidelift Subscription as the heart of an effective open source supply chain management strategy. 

In this webinar:

  • We'll show you how to design a comprehensive strategy for managing open source usage across the organization. 
  • We’ll demonstrate Tidelift custom catalogs, including the ability to create, track, and manage catalogs of open source components and the policies that govern them across the organization.
  • We'll explore how Tidelift-managed catalogs can give your organization a head start on building a paved path of approved components for development teams to use, similar to how the largest tech companies open source.

RSVP below.