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Recently revamped! The Tidelift guide to working with open source licenses

Amy Hays
by Amy Hays
on July 30, 2020

Updated on June 7, 2024

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licensing-cover-shotNavigating the open source license landscape can be tricky. There’s a myriad of license options out there, from permissive licenses like the MIT License or the Apache License, to copyleft licenses, like the GNU Public License. And what exactly does a license being “permissive” or “copyleft” even mean for your business?

2019 was the most active year in open source licensing in a long time, with news from China to Silicon Valley, from rawest capitalism to most thoughtful ethics, and 2020 has been similarly tumultuous. Are you ready to face the potentially costly impacts of one open source license misstep?

We're here to help, though. In the latest edition of The Tidelift guide to working with open source licenses, we share the best practices to avoid common pitfalls, steering you beyond just license scanning and into a realm of proactively managed and maintained open source. Sound dreamy?

Fill out the form below to read the guide now.