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Only maintainers can prevent software fires

Most software engineers who maintain an open-source-using application for their organization have a story of an epic software “fire” they’ll never ...
Bill Nottingham
by Bill Nottingham
on May 23, 2024

Bill Nottingham

Bill Nottingham

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How organizations use Tidelift open source intelligence to proactively improve supply chain health and security

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Today we’re going to go through how leading customers integrate Tidelift’s validated open source intelligence into their tools and processes, in ...

How Tidelift open source intelligence data makes your supply chain healthier and more secure

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Vulnerability scanning, also referred to as software composition analysis (SCA), has been around for two decades. For most, being alerted about known ...

Pay the maintainers: responsible maintainership (and incentive to continue)

By Bill Nottingham on November 17, 2022
At Tidelift, we are interested in helping our maintainers thrive. Sometimes that means paying them to maintain their work. Sometimes it means helping ...

urllib3: how the maintainers keep the project secure and healthy (and why you should care) part 3

By Bill Nottingham on November 9, 2022
Have you ever wondered what the open source maintainers that your business relies on do to keep our software healthy and secure? Here’s the third and ...

urllib3: how the maintainers keep the project secure and healthy (and why you should care) part 2

By Bill Nottingham on November 2, 2022
Have you ever wondered what the open source maintainers that your business relies on do to keep our software healthy and secure? Here’s the second in ...

urllib3: how the maintainers keep the project secure and healthy (and why you should care) part 1

By Bill Nottingham on October 27, 2022
Have you ever wondered what the open source maintainers that your business relies on do to keep our software healthy and secure? Here’s the first in ...

Using maintainer-verified standards to improve open source software supply chain security

By Bill Nottingham on October 11, 2022
Protecting your digital infrastructure is hard. Attacks on the supply chain are becoming more frequent, and stakeholders are taking notice. The ...

Paying it forward: How paying maintainers improves the software supply chain for everyone

By Bill Nottingham on September 22, 2022
In an earlier post on the Tidelift blog, Donald Fischer described how software alone can’t solve the current challenges of the open source software ...

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