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Maintainers to industry: We don’t have the time nor money to do more.

In late 2022, Tidelift fielded its second survey of open source maintainers. Hundreds of maintainers responded with thoughts about getting paid for ...
Chris Grams
by Chris Grams
on May 11, 2023

Chris Grams

Chris Grams

Recent Posts

Maintainers are being asked to do more security work. Over 50% didn’t get the memo.

By Chris Grams on May 9, 2023
In late 2022, Tidelift fielded its second survey of open source maintainers. Hundreds of maintainers responded with thoughts about getting paid for ...

The more maintainers get paid, the more they work on open source

By Chris Grams on May 4, 2023
In late 2022, Tidelift fielded its second survey of open source maintainers. Hundreds of maintainers responded with thoughts about getting paid for ...

Despite increasing demands, most maintainers still don’t get paid for their work

By Chris Grams on May 2, 2023
In late 2022, Tidelift fielded its second survey of open source maintainers. Hundreds of maintainers responded with thoughts about getting paid for ...

Finding #7: 78% of organizations are already using SBOMs for application development or have plans to in the next year

By Chris Grams on May 26, 2022
In December of 2021, Tidelift fielded our annual survey of technologists who use open source to build applications at work. Nearly 700 people shared ...

Finding #6: Only 37% of organizations are aware of new government software supply chain security requirements around security and SBOMs

By Chris Grams on May 17, 2022
In December of 2021, Tidelift fielded our annual survey of technologists who use open source to build applications at work. Nearly 700 people shared ...

Finding #5: The best practice of centrally managing a repository of approved open source components is growing rapidly

By Chris Grams on May 10, 2022
In December of 2021, Tidelift fielded our annual survey of technologists who use open source to build applications at work. Nearly 700 people shared ...

Finding #4: Getting approval to use new open source components in large organizations is often slow and tedious

By Chris Grams on May 3, 2022
In December of 2021, Tidelift fielded our annual survey of technologists who use open source to build applications at work. Nearly 700 people shared ...

Finding #3: Of the top three open source languages, Python earns highest confidence ratings

By Chris Grams on April 26, 2022
In December of 2021, Tidelift fielded our annual survey of technologists who use open source to build applications at work. Nearly 700 people shared ...

Finding #2: Only 15% of organizations are extremely confident in their open source management practices; the majority have concerns

By Chris Grams on April 19, 2022
In December of 2021, Tidelift fielded our annual survey of technologists who use open source to build applications at work. Nearly 700 people shared ...

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