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Finding #1: Security is open source developers’ most urgent challenge, while complying with government requirements is a rising concern

In December of 2021, Tidelift fielded our annual survey of technologists who use open source to build applications at work. Nearly 700 people shared ...
Chris Grams
by Chris Grams
on April 13, 2022

Chris Grams

Chris Grams

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About the 2022 open source software supply chain survey

By Chris Grams on April 13, 2022
This marks the fourth year Tidelift has conducted a survey to answer our most pressing questions for technologists using open source to develop ...

Finding #9: Maintainers feelings in their own words

By Chris Grams on August 12, 2021
In early 2021, Tidelift fielded its first-ever comprehensive survey of open source maintainers. Nearly 400 maintainers responded with thoughts about ...

Finding #8: Maintainers believe open source would benefit from increased contributor diversity

By Chris Grams on August 5, 2021
In early 2021, Tidelift fielded its first-ever comprehensive survey of open source maintainers. Nearly 400 maintainers responded with thoughts about ...

Finding #7: Maintainers need help improving documentation and the user and contributor experience

By Chris Grams on July 27, 2021
In early 2021, Tidelift fielded its first-ever comprehensive survey of open source maintainers. Nearly 400 maintainers responded with thoughts about ...

Finding #6: Maintainers only spend 1/4 of their time writing code, and here’s where the rest of their time goes

By Chris Grams on July 20, 2021
In early 2021, Tidelift fielded its first-ever comprehensive survey of open source maintainers. Nearly 400 maintainers responded with thoughts about ...

Finding #5: More than half of maintainers have quit or considered quitting, and here’s why.

By Chris Grams on July 13, 2021
In early 2021, Tidelift fielded its first-ever comprehensive survey of open source maintainers. Nearly 400 maintainers responded with thoughts about ...

Finding #4: Open source maintenance work is often stressful, thankless, and financially unrewarding

By Chris Grams on July 1, 2021
In early 2021, Tidelift fielded its first-ever comprehensive survey of open source maintainers. Nearly 400 maintainers responded with thoughts about ...

Finding #3: Maintainers enjoy making a positive impact and those who make money enjoy it

By Chris Grams on June 24, 2021
In early 2021, Tidelift fielded its first-ever comprehensive survey of open source maintainers. Nearly 400 maintainers responded with thoughts about ...

Finding #2: Most maintainers aren’t paid well today, but Tidelift is having an impact

By Chris Grams on June 10, 2021
In early 2021, Tidelift fielded its first-ever comprehensive survey of open source maintainers. Nearly 400 maintainers responded with thoughts about ...

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