Today we’ve added a new feature we are calling catalogs to the Tidelift Subscription. Catalogs bring managed open source to life by providing a ...
Formidable is a Node.js framework for parsing form data, especially file uploads.
Grape is a REST-like API framework for Ruby designed to run on Rack or complement existing web application frameworks such as Rails and Sinatra. ...
While Tidelift has been a remote-first company from the beginning, our culture has always involved regularly getting people together in person. ...
Meet Jordan Harband: he currently maintains more than 200 npm packages.
A few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to co-host a webinar with 451 Research principal analyst Jay Lyman.
Serenity/JS is a Node.js framework designed to make acceptance and regression testing of modern full-stack applications faster, more collaborative, ...
Package signing across package managers Recently I looked at the state of 2FA support across package managers. 2FA adds a layer of security by ...
Tidelift is sponsoring JFrog SwampUp Online, which is taking place June 23-24 for the Americas and June 30 - July 1 for Europe, Asia, and Australia.