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2020 Survey: Help us understand the impact of the recession on app development with open source (and other timely topics)

TL;DR: The 2020 version of our open source application development survey is open. If you develop applications using open source, we’d love your ...
Chris Grams
by Chris Grams
on May 28, 2020

The key benefits of a managed open source approach

By Chris Grams on January 9, 2020
In June of 2019, Tidelift and The New Stack jointly fielded a survey of professional software developers. Almost 400 people responded with thoughts ...

How do organizations get the support they need for open source?

By Chris Grams on January 7, 2020
In June of 2019, Tidelift and The New Stack jointly fielded a survey of professional software developers. Almost 400 people responded with thoughts ...

The most important factors when choosing a new open source project

By Chris Grams on November 26, 2019
In June of 2019, Tidelift and The New Stack jointly fielded a survey of professional software developers. Almost 400 people responded with thoughts ...

How much time do developers spend actually writing code?

By Chris Grams on October 31, 2019
In June of 2019, Tidelift and The New Stack jointly fielded a survey of professional software developers. Almost 400 people responded with thoughts ...

Key open source usage trends in professional development teams

By Chris Grams on May 7, 2019
For application developers, open source has become an indispensable part of the development process. In fact, we’ve found that over 90 percent of ...

Developers spend 30% of their time on code maintenance: our latest survey results, part 3

By Chris Grams on March 14, 2019
The professional open source survey results we published last year highlighted the impressive reach of open source usage among professional ...

What concerns developers about open source? Our latest survey results, part 2

By Chris Grams on February 14, 2019
The professional open source survey results we published last year highlighted the impressive reach of open source usage among professional ...

Survey: help us make developing applications with open source better

By Havoc Pennington on November 14, 2018
We do a lot of user research at Tidelift—connecting with open source maintainers and users alike. Over the past few months we’ve talked to ...

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