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Vizio lawsuit part 2: adding more complexity to the GPL

My post last week on the litigation between Vizio and the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) over the General Public License (GPL) seems to have ...
Luis Villa
by Luis Villa
on January 24, 2024

Recap: 2024 open source software security predictions webinar

By Caitlin Bixby on January 19, 2024
Webinar highlights: In the open source software security predictions webinar this week, our team of expert prognosticators sees 2024 bringing us open ...

Will the new judicial ruling in the Vizio lawsuit strengthen the GPL?

By Luis Villa on January 16, 2024
Last week an important judicial ruling came down on a very intriguing case about open source license compliance. In this post, I'll talk about what ...

Recap: 10 critical things to know before depending on an open source project

By Caitlin Bixby on December 19, 2023
It’s no secret that open source software is powering modern application development. In our own surveys, we’ve found that more than 90% of ...

How organizations use Tidelift open source intelligence to proactively improve supply chain health and security

By Bill Nottingham on December 18, 2023
Today we’re going to go through how leading customers integrate Tidelift’s validated open source intelligence into their tools and processes, in ...

Tidelift co-founder Luis Villa to discuss “responsibility in depth” at AI.dev and Cassandra Summit

By Caitlin Bixby on December 11, 2023
This Wednesday, December 13 from 11:10 a.m. - 11:40 a.m. PST, Tidelift co-founder and General Counsel, Luis Villa will walk attendees through what ...

Tidelift at AWS re:Invent 2023

By Kristina Kaldenbach on November 17, 2023
We are excited to be heading back to Vegas for AWS re:Invent! For the past 10 years, the global cloud community has come together at re:Invent to ...

The largest problems require government collaboration: Tidelift’s response to the ONCD RFI

By Luis Villa on November 9, 2023
At Tidelift, we have believed since day one that understanding, and supporting, the motivation of open source maintainers is critical to making open ...

Tidelift co-founder Luis Villa talks Wikipedia, government regulations, and AI with FLOSS Weekly

By Caitlin Bixby on November 8, 2023
Open source software security has gained the attention of governments in the U.S. and E.U., especially in the wake of the Log4Shell vulnerability. ...

Webinar recap: how to use Tidelift alongside your SCA tool

By Kristina Kaldenbach on November 7, 2023
One question we sometimes get when talking to customers: how does Tidelift fit in with software composition analysis (SCA) tools, like Black Duck, ...

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