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The state of the copyleft license

In my last post, I talked about how much (or little!) we know about the licenses in the 30+ package managers and 2+ million packages in libraries.io, ...
Luis Villa
by Luis Villa
on February 1, 2018

The state of licensing information (or, how do we know what we know?)

By Luis Villa on January 18, 2018
As open source has grown, it has also gotten more granular. Modern apps often depend on hundreds or thousands of open source packages, not counting ...

Managing the complexities of modular software

By Keenan Szulik on January 11, 2018
Last week, I took a dive into the world of JavaScript and NPM (its largest package manager) exploring the granularity of JavaScript software and the ...

JavaScript, NPM, and the rise of granular software

By Keenan Szulik on January 4, 2018
In the last month, we’ve alluded to the relationship between package managers and small, modular packages on a couple of occasions, without ...

Don't judge a project by its GitHub stars alone

By Keenan Szulik on December 13, 2017
Open source is now universally accepted and employed by developers and companies across the world. This rise in popularity, though, has raised many ...

What makes a top open source package?

By Keenan Szulik on December 7, 2017
Open source is everywhere—not just in startups or big companies but in practically every development team and every language imaginable. And now we ...

Revealing a world of hidden dependencies with Libraries.io

By Keenan Szulik on December 5, 2017
A couple of weeks ago, we announced that Tidelift had joined forces with Libraries.io to make open source software work better for developers and ...

Our second Libraries.io open data release has arrived

By Tidelift on November 30, 2017
Today we’re publishing another Libraries.io open data release with over 311 million rows of metadata about open source projects and the network of ...

An intro to Libraries.io, the universal catalog of open source

By Havoc Pennington on November 28, 2017
Havoc here! I’m one of the co-founders of Tidelift. Last week we announced that Andrew Nesbitt and Ben Nickolls have joined Tidelift, bringing their ...

Hello, Tidelift

By Donald Fischer on November 14, 2017
10 PRINT "HELLO, WORLD” Hello from Tidelift!

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