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urllib3: how the maintainers keep the project secure and healthy (and why you should care) part 1

Have you ever wondered what the open source maintainers that your business relies on do to keep our software healthy and secure? Here’s the first in ...
Bill Nottingham
by Bill Nottingham
on October 27, 2022

Recap: AWS + Tidelift panel: Best practices for inclusive development

By Caitlin Bixby on October 26, 2022
On Tuesday, October 11th, in partnership with AWS, Tidelift’s foundations advocate, Josh Simmons, and Tidelift co-founder and head of engineering ...

Washington, DC, and open—for maintainers

By Luis Villa on October 18, 2022
This blog post was originally published on our Tidelift community page. Some of you may have seen that open source has been in the news coming out of ...

Using maintainer-verified standards to improve open source software supply chain security

By Bill Nottingham on October 11, 2022
Protecting your digital infrastructure is hard. Attacks on the supply chain are becoming more frequent, and stakeholders are taking notice. The ...

Paying it forward: How paying maintainers improves the software supply chain for everyone

By Bill Nottingham on September 22, 2022
In an earlier post on the Tidelift blog, Donald Fischer described how software alone can’t solve the current challenges of the open source software ...

Preparing for the wave of open source funding

By Seth Larson on September 1, 2022
Seth Larson is the lead maintainer of popular Python project urllib3. Seth has been a Tidelift maintainer partner since 2019. He originally wrote ...

Recap: Maintainer state of the union panel

By Caitlin Bixby on August 18, 2022
On June 7, 2022 Tidelift hosted an event called Upstream, a one-day celebration of open source, the developers who use it, and the maintainers who ...

Lifting Up: How we help open source maintainers thrive

By Lyn Muldrow on June 16, 2022
Hey all! I’m Lyn, proud to be among the newest members of the Tidelift lifter ecosystem team.

Tidelift advisory | Spring Framework critical vulnerability: what you need to know and do

By Jeremy Katz on March 31, 2022
In this advisory, we will address the core facts regarding the recently disclosed security vulnerability in the Spring Framework, which has been ...

Tidelift advisory | Log4Shell critical vulnerability: what you need to know and do

By Jeremy Katz on December 11, 2021
In this advisory, we will address the core facts regarding the recently disclosed security vulnerability in the Apache log4j project, which has been ...

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