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Tidelift’s contribution to open source sustainability

Over the weekend, Danny Crichton at TechCrunch wrote an in-depth piece entitled Open source sustainability about some of the challenges facing open ...
Chris Grams
by Chris Grams
on June 25, 2018

So we pay the maintainers... what would they be willing to do? Survey results part 9

By Keenan Szulik on June 21, 2018
Earlier this year, we launched our first professional open source survey. Our goal? To gain deeper perspective about what can be done to make open ...

Why Amy joined Tidelift

By Amy Hays on June 19, 2018
One Saturday night in February, I was doing what “the cool kids” do on Saturday night—looking through LinkedIn job postings. I live in a smallish ...

Which services would professional open source users pay for? Survey results part 8

By Keenan Szulik on June 14, 2018
Earlier this year, we launched our first professional open source survey. Our goal? To gain deeper perspective about what can be done to make open ...

Want to see Microsoft's open source contributions? Here's the list.

By Keenan Szulik on June 12, 2018
Last week, Microsoft announced that it was acquiring GitHub, a decision that would have shocked the software community just a few years ago. But as a ...

WTF? The data behind Microsoft's surprising open source track record

By Donald Fischer on June 6, 2018
VS Code, Typescript, thefuck? What do each of these have in common? They’re all popular open source projects Microsoft has contributed to, and they ...

Long live the SFD

By Tidelift on May 31, 2018
This is a first draft; raw and unedited. You’re seeing it as it came out of my head. Conversational, informal but free. This is a shitty first ...

Would maintainers work on their projects more if the 💰 was there? Survey results part 7

By Keenan Szulik on May 29, 2018
Earlier this year, we launched our first professional open source survey. Our goal? To gain deeper perspective about what can be done to make open ...

How difficult is it to find time for open source maintenance? Survey results part 6

By Keenan Szulik on May 24, 2018
Earlier this year, we launched our first professional open source survey. Our goal? To gain deeper perspective about what can be done to make open ...

Tidelift in the news

By Chris Grams on May 23, 2018
Yesterday, we put out an honest-to-goodness Tidelift press release, on the occasion of our first funding announcement. Thought it would be nice to ...

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